IA re-accreditation and performance assessment process

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IAs are automatically reaccredited unless a need for refresher training is identified through the monthly performance assessment process.

IAs will be assessed on the basis of two criteria:

1.  Quantitative assessment (annual)

IAs are required to complete a minimum of 2 reports within the accreditation year (i.e. 1 April – 31 March)

2.  Qualitative performance assessment (monthly)

The accuracy, quality and completeness of each IA report and the conduct of the IA in dealing with the case is assessed

Each report submitted to the HTA is assessed against the specified performance criteria and the case will be given a red, amber or green rating.  The Transplant Officer will generate a report each month, which will show the status of each IA report. If the IA does not meet the performance criteria the IA will be notified and may be required to complete refresher training.

Process and timeframes

The assessment criteria are as follows:

  1. Were there any inaccuracies or omissions in the factual information provided in the report which required clarification?
  2. Were there any free text sections within the report which provided insufficient explanation or detail and required further information being sought?
  3. Was there any unexplained (or unnecessary) delay in either submission of the report or responses to a request for clarification or further information?
  4. Was the IA unwilling to provide clarification or further information?
  5. Did the IA demonstrate a lack of understanding of the necessary process or requirements which created difficulties in the assessment of the case?
  6. Did the IA classify the donation category incorrectly and interview the donor/recipient in relation to the wrong category?
Assessment criteria (qualitative performance assessment)

If the report meets expected standards, the case will be assessed as ‘green’.

If the answer to any of (1) or (2) or (3) was yes and further information had to be sought, the case will be assessed as ‘amber’. Please note that cases will be assessed as ‘amber’ where information is missing from a report and the HTA is unable to assess the report without further information from the IA; it does not refer to occasions where the HTA may need to discuss a difficult or complex case in more detail with the IA.

If the answer to either (4), (5) or (6) was yes and there were difficulties in assessing the case, the case will be assessed as ‘red’.

RAG rating (Red, Amber, Green)

The outcome of the assessment determines whether an IA is automatically reaccredited or will need to complete a short refresher package.

The results of the performance assessment will be communicated to IAs who have not met the criteria.

If an IA does not successfully complete the refresher package within the specified time period, they may need to attend an IA training day in order to regain accreditation. 

Reaccreditation outcome
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