Guidance for transplant teams, Independent Assessors and Accredited Assessors in Scotland

The Human Tissue Authority (HTA), on behalf of Scottish Ministers, is responsible for assessing all living organ donation cases that take place in Scotland. The HTA also considers allogeneic donation of regenerative tissue where the donor is under 16 or an adult with incapacity in Scotland. Only once HTA approval is in place can these donations go ahead. The Human Tissue (Scotland) Act 2006 (HT Scotland Act) and The Human Organ and Tissue Live Transplants (Scotland) Regulations 2006 (the Regulations) govern living donation in Scotland.

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The HTA has produced practical guidance aimed at professionals working in the field of living solid organ or regenerative tissue donation in Scotland. The guidance document is divided into two sections:

  • The first section provides guidance on the regulatory requirements for living organ donation to clinicians, surgeons, Living Donor Coordinators (LDCs) and HTA Independent Assessors (IAs). The guidance makes clear that Independent Assessors must ask the recipient in each case whether they have been subject to any duress or coercion to receive the organ. IAs must include this in their report to the HTA.
  • The second section provides guidance on the regulatory requirements for donation of allogeneic regenerative tissue for transplantation to clinicians, HTA Accredited Assessors (AAs), Stem Cell Coordinators (SCCs) and BMT Specialist Nurses.

Professionals in Scotland working in the field of living organ donation should also refer to the HTA’s guidance document for Transplant Teams and Independent Assessors.

Please note: this guidance does not apply to solid organ donation from deceased donors.

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