HTA Portal user guide for IAs

IAs submit reports using the HTA Portal. This is a secure system which is data protected. The system allows IAs to write their reports electronically, upload supporting documents and save them before submitting them online to the HTA.

The Portal also includes a link to the Guidance to Transplant Teams and Independent Assessors for IAs to refer to when writing their report. 

New IAs who have completed IA training will need to register for access to the Portal. Once your details have been registered, access to the IA report section will be available within five working days.

Once the online report has been submitted, the IA will receive an email notification that the report has been received by the HTA.

Once a decision on the case has been made by the HTA, the IA, the clinician and the living donor coordinators selected in the IA report will receive an automated notification.

If the HTA portal is unavailable, IAs can submit their report using the IA contingency report.

For further information please read the Portal user guide for Independent Assessors.

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