Guidance for transplant teams and Independent Assessors

Clinicians and transplant teams are responsible for the overall care of donors and recipients, and for assessing the medical suitability of potential donors. The Regulations require the clinician with responsibility for the donor to refer the matter to the HTA.  As part of this referral specific information, certain assurances are required to ensure the legislative requirements are addressed.

Living organ donation must be made with consent, and free of any duress, coercion or reward. This applies to any living donor or recipient resident in England, Wales and Scotland, and includes travelling anywhere in the world for transplant.
All suspected cases of patients travelling overseas for illicit transplantation must be reported. 

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Guidance for transplant teams and Independent Assessors provides information to Independent Assessors (IAs), clinicians and transplant teams on the regulatory requirements for the assessment of potential living organ donations by the HTA.  The Guidance supplements HTA’s Code of Practice F on the Donation of solid organs and tissue for transplantation.

Transplant Teams can use the template referral letter provided here when referring a case to the HTA. 

A case is considered to have been referred to the HTA at the point at which the IA received the referral letter from the unit.

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