Template referral letter

The HTA has reviewed the current template referral letter to promote greater consistency, reduce variability, and to ensure that all referral letters contain relevant donor information in line with the requirements of the Montgomery judgment.

As part of the review, we have also taken the opportunity to make some other changes.  

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Referral letters must:

  • be on headed paper, or have the Hospital logo in the header;
  • be dated;
  • use the following donation categories only: Directed, Directed Altruistic, Non-Directed Altruistic, Paired or Pooled Donation;
  • include if there are any risks specific to the donor, these risks should be noted; and
  • include the date of transplant, if known (section eight).

Furthermore, we have made changes to the guidance included under section five of the statutory referral letter in regards to a donor’s decision in the case that their organ cannot be transplanted into the intended recipient. An additional statement (see below) is now included, which enables the medical practitioner to confirm that they have explained the risks associated with additional surgery to the donor; where the donor has decided to have their organ re-implanted. The donor must be informed about how the organ could be expected to function following re-implantation. 
‘The donor (insert name), who has decided to have their organ re-implanted in the event that it cannot be transplanted into the intended recipient, has been explained the material risks associated with this procedure. The donor, (insert name), fully understands these risks.’

The HTA Guidance for Transplant Units and Independent Assessors about the changes to the statutory referral letter template provides information on how to use the new template. 

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