Post mortem

HTA Sector Forum: Unannounced Inspections and Winter Pressures

Submitted by Tom Parker on

On 9 October, the Human Tissue Authority (HTA) held a forum for sector representatives, bringing together professionals from across the post-mortem sector. The meeting provided an opportunity for open discussion on key issues facing the industry, with a focus on unannounced inspections and preparations for winter pressures.

Unannounced Inspections

HTA Winter Pressures Webinar

Submitted by Jonathan Spencer on

The webinar will be an opportunity for those who work in mortuaries where post-mortem examinations take place that are licensed and inspected by the HTA.

It will be an opportunity to talk through the challenges of winter pressures, contingency planning, flow vs storage of bodies, share best practice and learn about the support HTA can provide.

Burials at sea

Submitted by Hannah Smith on

Every year around twenty people make the choice to be buried at sea off the Isle of Wight. Unfortunately in a small number of instances human remains have washed back to shore, resulting in an unusual challenge for the Human Tissue Authority and our partners.

Navigating the Human Tissue Authority Inspection: Insights from a Designated Individual in the South Wales Valleys

Submitted by Jonathan Spencer on

I am the Designated Individual for Cwm Taf Morgannwg University Health Board within the heart of the South Wales Valleys. During my appointment in 2020 I anticipated our next Human Tissue Authority (HTA) inspection would be during 2022/2023 and up to the point of inspection I spent much of my time working with clinical teams across our Mortuary services, and other relevant areas such as Midwifery, ensuring all standards were being met.