HTA statement on the Fuller Independent Inquiry phase one report

Submitted by Tom Parker on

Statement from Chief Executive Dr Colin Sullivan on the phase one report of the Fuller Independent Inquiry:

“David Fuller’s dreadful crimes at Maidstone and Tunbridge Wells NHS Trust are deeply shocking and have had a distressing impact on many, not least the families and friends of the victims, for whom publication of the Independent Inquiry’s phase one report will be an important milestone.

“The Human Tissue Authority recognises the considerable work undertaken by the Independent Inquiry, culminating in this phase one report. Alongside other partners within the health sector and more widely, we are carefully considering the findings and recommendations flowing from the Inquiry’s report and will respond in due course.

“We are committed to learning lessons and playing our part to improve practice to guard against anything similar happening again. We are working to improve collaboration across the sector and will continue to fully support the Inquiry team as they undertake phase two.”

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