Post mortem

HTA publishes quarterly closed incidents data

Submitted by Tom Parker on

In quarter 3 2022/23 we closed 107 incidents as reported to the HTA.  Licensed establishments need to report that an incident has taken place and provide a follow-up investigation report within two months for review. 

When an incident occurs, we aim to support establishments in their review of the incident and the actions taken to help mitigate the risk of a similar incident occurring in future.  

Inspection reports from the last 7 days

Submitted by Hannah Smith on

We’ve published 6 new inspection reports from establishments in human application, research, and post-mortem sectors.

On inspections we look at compliance with HTA standards including consent, governance and quality systems, traceability, and premises, facilities and equipment. We check whether there are any minor, major or critical shortfalls against these standards.

Read the latest reports:

Innovation in regulation – the start of a critical conversation

Submitted by Maria on

Earlier this year the Minister for Innovation laid out a challenge to health regulators, the Professional Standards Authority, NICE and NHSX during an unprecedented roundtable. If the post-Brexit ambition, as outlined in the government’s Life Sciences Vision, is to provide a world-class regulatory environment that benefits patients and the public while also promoting jobs, growth, and investment, how do we collectively