
Innovation in regulation – the start of a critical conversation

Submitted by Maria on

Earlier this year the Minister for Innovation laid out a challenge to health regulators, the Professional Standards Authority, NICE and NHSX during an unprecedented roundtable. If the post-Brexit ambition, as outlined in the government’s Life Sciences Vision, is to provide a world-class regulatory environment that benefits patients and the public while also promoting jobs, growth, and investment, how do we collectively 

HTA Strategy 2019-22

Introduction from the chair

It gives me great pleasure to introduce the Human Tissue Authority’s updated strategy for 2019-22 in my capacity as the Interim Chair of the Authority. Our 2019 – 22 strategy builds on the comprehensive evaluation we conducted before developing our last 3-year strategy, and continues to focus on the three key areas of sustainability, resilience, and agility.  Major themes for the next three years will continue to be a renewed focus on our people, our technology, how we collect and use information, and managing our finances.