
Guidance on consent for transplantation research where donors are deceased

The following guidance has been produced to bring clarity to the issues surrounding consent for research relating to transplantation where donors are deceased. The Human Tissue Act (2004), The Human Transplantation (Wales) Act 2013 and the Organ Donation (Deemed Consent) Act 2019 all require expressed consent for research activities; deemed consent which applies to transplantation activities in England and Wales does not apply to research activities.

Extending licences to cover the removal of tissue from the deceased for research

The Human Tissue Act 2004 requires that the removal of tissue from the deceased for research within the scope of the Act must always be licensed, on specified premises, and that specific minimum requirements are met.

This means that if, for example, a person wishes to remove relevant material from a deceased organ donor for research ‘in connection with disorders, or the functioning, of the human body’, the removal must always take place on premises licensed by the HTA for that purpose.