Human Tissue Authority welcomes three new Board members

Submitted by Jonathan Spencer on

The Human Tissue Authority (HTA) is pleased to announce that the Secretary of State for Health and Social Care has appointed three new Board members for the Authority. They will join the HTA with effect from 1st December 2023.

Chair of the HTA, Lynne Berry CBE, has commented: 

 “I am delighted to welcome Mhairi Anderson, David Lock KC, and Jessica Watts to the HTA Board. The depth and breadth of experience and knowledge each brings to the HTA will be invaluable in helping us continue to ensure the safe and ethical use of human tissue as the sectors we regulate evolve, develop, and innovate. I look forward to working with them all and know they will find a friendly and supportive team at the HTA.”

These appointments have been made in accordance with the Cabinet Office Code of Governance for Public Appointments and announced by DHSC.

The regulation of public appointments against the requirements of this Code is carried out by the Commissioner for Public Appointments.  

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