HTA Approves 64 living organ donations in June 2022

Submitted by Jonathan Spencer on

In June we approved a total 64 living organ donations across all four nations.

England: 50    
Wales: 3    
Northern Ireland: 8    
Scotland: 3    

Of these donations there were 62 kidney and 2 liver donations. In the UK, latest statistics show that 39% of all organ donors are living donors and living donor transplantation represents 28% of the total kidney transplant programme. Living donor kidney transplantation accounts for 98% of all living donation activity (liver and kidney).

The Legal framework

The legal requirements for living donor transplantation are set out in the Human Tissue Act 2004 and Human Tissue (Scotland) Act 2006. Under the Human Tissue Act 2004, any potential donation of a solid organ or part organ for transplantation must be assessed by an Independent Assessor (IA) and a report submitted to the HTA for consideration.

HTA's role

The HTA’s role in living organ donation is to ensure that there has been no reward sought or offered for the organ donation and to provide an independent check to help protect the interests of living organ donors.  The HTA ensures each individual donor has an opportunity to speak freely to someone not connected with the transplant unit in order to confirm that their wish to donate is free from any pressure to act against their will and that they understand the nature of the procedure and risks of the surgery.
IAs undertake interviews with donors and recipients to explore whether the requirements of the Human Tissue Act and Transplant Regulations have been met.

The HTA makes the decision whether or not to approve the proposed donation.

You can find out more in our Body, organ and tissue donation section of our website.

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