Model consent forms for anatomy schools

The Human Tissue Act 2004 permits, with consent, the donation of whole bodies for anatomical examination. It also allows for the storage and anatomical examination of a body, provided that it is carried out by or under the direction of a Designated Individual.

The Code of Practice on anatomical examination provides guidance for people working in the anatomy sector and sets out the requirements which establishments must meet in order to obtain a licence to carry out an anatomical examination or to store anatomical specimens.

The HTA has produced a model bequeathal booklet and model forms to assist anatomy establishments.


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Model bequeathal booklet

The HTA has produced a model bequeathal booklet to provide information about the donation process.

Model donation consent form

This form should be completed by the person making the donation, in the presence of at least one witness who attests their signature.

Model donation consent form - representative

This form should be completed by the representative of the person making the donation, in the presence of at least one witness who attests their signature. This form should be used when written consent by the donor may not be possible, such as when a mentally-competent person is physically unable to write.

Loan of specimens to an unlicensed establishment

This form should be completed by the Designated Individual at the licensed establishment to give authorisation for the loan of specimens to an unlicensed establishment. A copy of this form should be kept by both parties as written evidence that the Designated Individual has authorised possession of the specimen/s. The Designated Individual will remain responsible for the specimens while they are away from licensed premises.  In the temporary absence of a DI, we advise that a Person Designated can authorise the loan, providing that the DI has put in place documented systems to ensure that the criteria for agreeing loans, and the processes governing them, are consistent. This delegation of responsibility should be formally recorded. 


Body donation card

You can also download a template body donation card, to distribute to donors who request one once they have completed a consent form. Your establishment logo can be placed in the bottom right-hand corner of the card and you can print these off in bulk as business cards. If you require the template in an alternative format, email us at

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