53. This section is divided into three main parts:
- Part 1: General provisions;
- Part 2: Tissue from the deceased;
- Part 3: Tissue from the living.
54. Before deciding whether to proceed with the removal, storage or use of tissue for scheduled purposes, the following should be considered:
- does the activity require consent and what, if any, exceptions to the consent provisions of the HT Act apply in this case? For tissue from the deceased, consent is required for all scheduled purposes (paragraph 76). Consent is not required under the HT Act for storage and use of tissue from the living in some circumstances (see Annex B)
- has the appropriate person given consent? (paragraphs 78-94 and 113-134)
- has sufficient written (in paper or electronic format) or verbal information been provided for the person giving consent to make a properly considered decision? (paragraphs 95-99)
- how will the consent be given and recorded? (paragraphs 57-60)
- is written consent required? (paragraphs 102-104)
- is the consent needed for more than one purpose? (paragraphs 105-107)
- if a child is involved, are they competent to consent and have they expressed particular wishes or views? (paragraphs 87-94 and 128-134)
- if an adult lacks capacity to consent, how should the provisions of the Mental Capacity Act 2005 (MC Act) be applied? (paragraphs 114-127)
55. Consent does not have to be sought by the person directly responsible for carrying out the activity in question. They may assign the task to someone else so long as that person is appropriately trained. In particular, they should know enough about the proposed procedure, the intended use of the tissue and the risks involved, for the subject to make an informed decision.
56. The MC Act applies to adults who are unable to make particular decisions for themselves as a result of a temporary or permanent impairment or disturbance in the functioning of the mind or brain. Establishments should take into consideration the MC Act when seeking consent. Further guidance is available from the Office of the Public Guardian’s website and in the MC Act Code of Practice. There is separate guidance for Wales and for Northern Ireland.
76. Under the HT Act, consent is needed for the removal, storage and use of material from the deceased for all scheduled purposes, as listed below (see Annex B):
- anatomical examination
- determining the cause of death
- establishing after a person's death the efficacy of any drug or other treatment administered to them
- obtaining scientific or medical information, which may be relevant to any person including a future person
- public display
- research in connection with disorders or the functioning of the human body
- transplantation
- clinical audit
- education or training relating to human health
- performance assessment
- public health monitoring
- quality assurance
77. Although consent is not required for a coroner's post-mortem examination, consent is required under the HT Act for the storage or use of tissue, for scheduled purposes once the coroner's purposes are complete. See the Code of Practice on Post-mortem examination for further guidance.
108. Under the HT Act, consent is needed for storage and use of tissue from a living person for the following scheduled purposes.4
- obtaining scientific or medical information which may be relevant to any person including a future person
- public display
- research in connection with disorders, or the functioning, of the human body
- transplantation
109. Tissue may be taken in a variety of circumstances, for example:
- in the course of diagnostic procedures, such as taking a blood or urine sample, tissue biopsy, cervical screening
- in the course of treatment, such as removing tissue (organs, tumours) during surgery
- when removed specifically for the purpose of research
110. Although consent for treatment and examination is dealt with under common law and consent for scheduled purposes is dealt with under the HT Act, the consent for each activity may be obtained at the same time. It is still important to explain clearly the activity for which consent is being obtained, including the risks and wider implications. Further guidance on this issue in respect of seeking consent for organ and tissue donation may be found in the Code of Practice F, part two on Donation of solid organs and tissue for transplantation: Deceased organ and tissue donation.
111. To give consent, the individual should understand the nature and purpose of what is proposed and be able to make an informed decision. They should be told of any material or significant risks inherent in the way the sample will be obtained, how the tissue will be used and any possible risks or implications of its use, such as genetic tests. The test of materiality is set out in paragraph 40. If the person concerned is not a patient, and is volunteering samples purely for research, the general principles of providing appropriate information still apply (see paragraphs 40-44 on valid consent).
112. Healthcare professionals should try to find out about the individual's needs and priorities when telling them about their options. Some people may not be interested in knowing the full details about the proposed use of the tissue and this should be recorded in the notes. People should, nevertheless, have all their options explained to them and be provided with an appropriate level of information. See GMC guidance on Consent: patients and doctors making decisions together.
135. The MC Act does not apply in Northern Ireland. The Mental Health Order 1986 covers the assessment, treatment and rights of children and adults with a mental health condition who may need to be admitted to hospital for assessment in treatment. Common law is used to assess the capacity of adults and children. A new Act, The Mental Capacity Act (Northern Ireland) 2016 was passed in May 2016 but at the time of publication has not yet been implemented.
136. The Department of Health published its own reference guide to consent for examination, treatment or care in 2003. This guidance is based on mental health and capacity case law. Each of the five Health and Social Care Trusts has published its own policy on the assessment of mental capacity, based on the 2003 departmental guidance. These policies have taken some elements from the MC Act, with regards to its principles, the assessment of mental capacity and the best interests test. People are presumed to have capacity to make decisions unless it is established that they do not.
137. Advance decisions are made in Northern Ireland under common law and the 2003 departmental guidance, but these decisions are not legally binding under any statute. Enduring Powers of Attorney can be established under The Enduring Power of Attorney (Northern Ireland) Order 1987, but their decision-making powers are limited to financial matters and do not extend to welfare.
138. There is no Court of Protection in Northern Ireland, and therefore there are no Welfare Deputies; applications for decisions on welfare matters involving children, and adults who have been found to lack capacity, under common law and departmental guidance are made to the High Court.
139. Section 7 of the HT Act allows the HTA to dispense with the need for consent in certain circumstances. Where relevant material from a living person could be used to obtain scientific or medical information which may be relevant to another person, the HTA has the power to deem consent to be in place where it is not reasonably possible to trace the person from whom the material came, or they have not responded to requests for consent to use of their material. This may be important where information could be obtained about the treatment and diagnosis of the other person.
140. This provision can only be used when there is no reason to believe that the person has died, they are not known to have refused to consent or they lack capacity to consent. The HTA has prepared guidance on the implementation of these provisions.
141. The law does not distinguish between fetal tissue and other tissue from the living; fetal tissue of less than 24 weeks gestation is considered to be the mother’s tissue, as are non-fetal products of conception (i.e. placenta, membranes, umbilical cord, amniotic fluid). Consequently, fetal tissue and non-fetal products of conception are subject to the same consent requirements under the HT Act as all other tissue from the living (see section on tissue from the living, paragraphs 108-112). However, because of the sensitivity surrounding pregnancy loss, consent should always be sought, even where it might not be lawfully required.
142. It should be noted that the reference to fetal tissue within this Code does not include stillbirths (babies born dead after 24 weeks gestation) or neonatal deaths (babies or fetuses of any gestational age which are born showing signs of life and die before the age of 28 days). Seeking consent for the removal, storage or use of the tissue of babies from stillbirths or neonatal deaths should be handled in accordance with provisions for seeking consent for use of the tissue of the deceased (see paragraphs 76-77). It is recommended that, whenever possible, the consent process for the examination of stillbirths and neonatal deaths involves the mother, and that, where appropriate, both parents are involved.
143. The HTA has published guidance on the disposal of pregnancy remains, which reflects the very sensitive nature of these.
144. In order to obtain a HTA licence, the applicant must demonstrate that they and the relevant premises are suitable. The HTA will assess suitability against a number of core Standards, which were developed in consultation with representatives from the regulated sectors. These relate to the consent provisions of the HT Act and the regulatory requirements for governance and quality systems, traceability and premises. They reinforce the HT Act’s intention that:
- consent is paramount in relation to activities involving the removal, storage and use of human tissue
- bodies of the deceased and organs and tissue removed from bodies are treated with respect
- the dignity of the person, whether living or deceased, is maintained.
145. The HTA works with establishments through its inspection process to help them comply with these Standards.
146. Each licensed establishment is required to appoint a DI for their licence, who has a statutory responsibility under the HT Act to supervise activities taking place under a licence. The DI has a duty to ensure that suitable practices are carried out by those working under the licence that the conditions of the licence are complied with and that other people to whom the licence applies are suitable to carry on the activity. By ensuring that the establishment is meeting the HTA’s licensing Standards, the DI will be meeting their statutory responsibility.
147. When HTA staff undertake inspections of HTA-licensed establishments, they make judgements about the suitability of the Licence Holder (LH), the DI, the practices taking place and the premises on which they take place. They do this by assessing the establishment’s compliance with the HTA’s licensing Standards, which reflect the guiding principles set out in Code A and provide the operational detail of how establishments should meet the requirements of the HT Act and the Codes of Practice.
148. The HTA’s licensing Standards are grouped under four headings: Consent (C); Governance and quality systems (GQ); Traceability (T); and Premises, facilities and equipment (PFE). Under each of these headings, there are overarching statements, from which the Standards flow.
3. Montgomery v Lanarkshire Health Board (Scotland) 2015
4. See Annex B
5. See the Children Act 1989