Freedom of Information

The HTA has a responsibility to make its information available in accordance with the Freedom of Information Act. Before making a Freedom of Information request please take the time to check that it is not already available on one of these pages:

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The FOI Act gives the public the right to access information held by central government, local government, police services, the NHS and the education sector. The FOI Act is intended to improve openness and accountability in the public sector. Full implementation of the FOI Act was completed on 1 January 2005. Further information about the FOI Act can be found on the Information Commissioner’s Officer (ICO) website

The Freedom of Information Act 2000 (FOI Act)
The HTA publication scheme

The FOI Act requires that each public authority adopts and maintains a Publication Scheme that describes the classes of information that the organisation publishes or intends to publish. The HTA will regularly review this publication scheme and update it where necessary, subject to guidance from the Information Commissioner.

Making an FOI request

Members of the public have a statutory right to obtain, either through this website or in another form, all information which is covered in the HTA’s publications scheme. Regardless of when it was created, by whom, or the form in which it is now covered. This is subject to exemptions outlined in the FOI Act.

FOI requests can be made directly to the HTA by contacting us or by writing to the address below. If possible a response will be issued within the FOI response time of 20 working days of initial receipt of the request.

If you are not happy with the information communicated to you by the HTA, you have the right to complain. Complaints should be directed in the first instance in writing to the HTA, at the above post or email address. The HTA will respond to all complaints within 20 working days.

If the HTA cannot resolve your complaint you can take it to the Information Commissioner. Note: the Information Commissioner's Office (ICO) will normally expect you to show that you have made reasonable endeavours to resolve your complaint through the HTA's complaints procedure before taking it to them for adjudication.

Complaints about FOI and Subject Access requests
Freedom of Information responses

You can browse and read previous FOI responses below.

For FOI responses before 2018, please see the national archive website.

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