Business Impact Target (BIT)

Under the Enterprise Act 2016, the HTA and all other statutory regulators have a duty to report against the Government’s Business Impact Target. The target for the 2015-2020 Parliament is a £10 billion reduction in the cost of regulation to business.

The objectives of the BIT are to:

  • Provide a wider focus for the reduction of regulatory burden on business and voluntary or community bodies (defined as “business”), enabling business to free up resources and boost productivity;
  • Ensure that there is even greater transparency around the impact of regulation on business; and
  • Provide greater incentives for regulators to design and deliver policies that better meet the needs of business
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Reporting against the Business Impact Target

The HTA is required to assess the impact of any new regulatory activity or changes to our current activity on our licensed establishments which qualify as ‘businesses’ using an approved methodology. We must publish these assessments annually from 2017. This will enable the Government to know whether it is on course to meet the Business Impact Target.

We must also publish a summary of new and updated Regulatory Provisions which fall under the statutory and administrative exemptions annually: these are known as Non-Qualifying Regulatory Provisions (NQRPs) and do not need to be costed.

The HTA did not have any qualifying regulatory provisions during the period 17 December 2021 – 16 December 2022. A list of non-qualifying regulatory provisions for this reporting period can be found below:

Past HTA BIT submissions

A list of qualifying regulatory provisions and a summary of non-qualifying regulatory provisions for the reporting period 8 May 2015 to 8 June 2017 can be found below:

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