
Anatomy sector stakeholder forum

Submitted by Hannah Smith on

Anatomy sector stakeholder forum: sharing insights and best practice

We recently hosted an Anatomy sector forum, bringing together Designated Individuals and sector representatives, including some new members. Our forums provide valuable opportunities to discuss regulatory matters and share best practices; this one also proved to be interesting, with illuminating discussions and reflections.

Inspection and compliance update from HTA

Stakeholder engagement

Throughout the year we host a programme of stakeholder engagement events.

Our sector-focused stakeholder forums have given us the opportunity to share updates and hear feedback on our regulation with leaders from each sector we regulate.

We've also started a programme of roundtables to discuss specific topics relevant to the sectors.

Membership of our stakeholder groups consists of leaders from each sector, and we're also looking at opportunities to hear from a wider group of professionals in the near future.

Updates to Anatomy sector Licensing Standards and Guidance

Submitted by Tom Parker on

Today we’ve published an updated version of our Anatomy sector Licensing Standards and Guidance


The updated version was informed by an internal review and engagement with external stakeholders.


In making these updates, we have also taken into account the revisions that we made to the guidance that supports our Post Mortem sector licensing standards in 2022.



Filming or photographing of bodies or body parts that have been donated

This guidance is for anyone considering filming or taking photographs of a body or body parts donated to a medical school or surgical training centre, or activities taking place within those settings. When we refer to photography and filming in this guidance, we intend to capture any recorded, still or live-images, regardless of how they are shown.