
HTA logo and branding policy

With the interests of the public and those we regulate at the centre of our work, we aim to maintain confidence by ensuring that human tissue is used safely and ethically, and with proper consent. We regulate organisations that remove, store and use tissue for research, medical treatment, post-mortem examination, teaching and display in public. We also give approval for organ and bone marrow donations from living people.


Submitted by Roshana on

Contact details for individual medical schools in Scotland can be found here. Note: The HTA does not regulate medical schools accepting body donations in Scotland, it is only the regulator in England, Wales and Northern Ireland.

The HTA launch new beta website!

Submitted by Maria on

The Human Tissue Authority (HTA) has today launched the beta (draft) version of our new website and we want your feedback!

The new website is part of our ongoing commitment to enhance the quality and accessibility of the information we provide to professionals working in areas we regulate, and members of the public who our regulation protects.

There are two ways you can give your feedback about the new site:

Disclosing information on incidents

HTA licensed establishments in the Post-mortem sector are required to report incidents to the HTA - we call these HTARIs - and those in the Human Application and Organ Donation and Transplantation sectors are required to report serious adverse events or reactions (SAEARs), as part of their licensing requirements.

In line with the HTA's commitment to transparency, we will be publishing reports every quarter detailing the volume and nature of incidents reported.