
HTA Portal user guide for IAs

IAs submit reports using the HTA Portal. This is a secure system which is data protected. The system allows IAs to write their reports electronically, upload supporting documents and save them before submitting them online to the HTA.

The Portal also includes a link to the Guidance to Transplant Teams and Independent Assessors for IAs to refer to when writing their report. 

Who can become an IA

IAs are independent of the transplant unit, the donor and recipient. This independence allows the HTA to fulfil its role to help protect the interests of the donors by ensuring they have the opportunity to speak freely to someone not connected with the transplant unit, confirming that their wish to donate is free from any pressure to act against their will.

Donor declaration forms

It is an offence under the Human Tissue Act 2004 (The HT Act) for the donor to receive a reward for donating an organ/part organ.

All donors are asked to provide a signed declaration confirming there is no reward associated with the organ donation and transplantation.  The declaration should be read and signed by the donor, or person consenting on the donor’s behalf either in the IAs presence or provided to the IA to submit to the HTA.

Template referral letter

The HTA has reviewed the current template referral letter to promote greater consistency, reduce variability, and to ensure that all referral letters contain relevant donor information in line with the requirements of the Montgomery judgment.

As part of the review, we have also taken the opportunity to make some other changes.  

Guidance for transplant teams, Independent Assessors and Accredited Assessors in Scotland

The Human Tissue Authority (HTA), on behalf of Scottish Ministers, is responsible for assessing all living organ donation cases that take place in Scotland. The HTA also considers allogeneic donation of regenerative tissue where the donor is under 16 or an adult with incapacity in Scotland. Only once HTA approval is in place can these donations go ahead. The Human Tissue (Scotland) Act 2006 (HT Scotland Act) and The Human Organ and Tissue Live Transplants (Scotland) Regulations 2006 (the Regulations) govern living donation in Scotland.

Guidance for transplant teams and Independent Assessors

Clinicians and transplant teams are responsible for the overall care of donors and recipients, and for assessing the medical suitability of potential donors. The Regulations require the clinician with responsibility for the donor to refer the matter to the HTA.  As part of this referral specific information, certain assurances are required to ensure the legislative requirements are addressed.