Supply of Information about Transplants Regulations 2024

Submitted by ruth thornber on

On 1 April, the Supply of Information about Transplants Regulations 2024 came into force. 

The Regulations were introduced by government under section 34 of the Human Tissue Act 2004. They require relevant clinicians in England, Wales and Northern Ireland who work closely with patients that need, or have received, an organ transplant to report the following information to the HTA:   

  • if they have a reasonable suspicion that an organ donation and transplantation related offence may have been committed under the Human Tissue Act or Modern Slavery legislation, or   

  • if they are made aware that a patient has received an organ transplant outside the UK.   

Failing to report under the Regulations is an offence, and clinicians risk criminal charges amounting to a fine for failing to report, or an unlimited fine for providing false or misleading information. 

If you have any questions about the Regulations or would like to report a case, please contact:

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We have produced guidance to accompany the Regulations. 


We have updated our public information on travelling outside the UK for an organ transplant.


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