Review of Code of Practice F, part two for deemed consent

Submitted by Jonathan Spencer on

Today, the Human Tissue Authority (HTA) has published a revised version of Code of Practice F, part two. The HTA undertook a review of the Code to reflect the introduction of deemed consent for deceased organ and tissue donation for the purpose of transplantation in Northern Ireland (NI).

Earlier this year, we held a public consultation on the proposed changes, and we have taken on board feedback from our stakeholders and those working in the sector. Thank you once again to all those that contributed.

The revised Code of Practice will remain in draft form for approximately 40 days pending parliamentary approval, after which we will publish the final version.

The revised Code of Practice F, part two, will be pending until it is brought into force by the HTA, in line with the implementation of The Organ and Tissue Donation (Deemed Consent) Act (Northern Ireland) 2022 in spring 2023.

If you have any questions about changes to Code of Practice F, please get in touch.

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