Regulation for our times

Submitted by Jonathan Spencer on

HTA Business Plan for 2023 to 2024 published

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For a small regulator the Human Tissue Authority has a big job to do.

We license over 800 premises across 6 sectors. The scale of our contribution encompasses education, public confidence and dignity in death with licenses for medical schools, mortuaries and museums. We also support innovation in medical research, a growth sector with 198 licenses in the UK.

Our team of regulation managers completed 210 inspections last year, from Glasgow to the Isle of Wight. In 2023 to 2024 we will be working hard to increase that to 222 inspections.

We are responsible for making a final check on all living organ donations, seeking to ensure that liver, kidney and bone marrow donations are made with full consent, free from any duress, coercion or reward.

Publishing our Business Plan today, Dr Colin Sullivan, Chief Executive of the Human Tissue Authority said:

“In 2022 to 2023, the HTA sought to modernise our approach to regulation whilst delivering a comprehensive licensing and inspection programme for the establishments we regulate. In 2023 to 2024, we are aiming to build on those foundations, being bolder and continuing to challenge ourselves to regulate the sectors we oversee yet more proportionately by deploying a different selection of regulatory tools and engaging with partners and stakeholders to work effectively together for the public good.”

If you would like to track progress please read our business plan and follow us on twitter.

We will be holding our public board meeting at our office in Stratford, London on 29 June. Please contact enquires if you'd like further information.

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