HTA website project passes its final assessment

Submitted by Jack Briggs HTA on

The new HTA website has passed its final assessment and will be launching on 20 April 2022. Find out more about what this means for you.

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Over the past two years, we have been in the process of redeveloping the HTA website in order to update its technology and design, improve the user experience and ensure we meet new public-sector accessibility standards. 

At the end of March we passed the final assessment of NHSX’s quality assurance scheme which allows us to move from the current public beta phase, into the live phase. This will take place on Wednesday 20 April.

The majority of the changes will take place behind the scenes as the website moves from being a project in development, to a service we maintain. However there are two key areas where you the user will be impacted.

Firstly, the old website, previously accessed from will be decommissioned, and no longer accessible. Users will be able to continue to access older snapshots of the website through the National Archive. 

Secondly, the beta banner at the top of this site, and the accompanying survey, will be taken off the site. This does not indicate any change in our ongoing commitment to continue to update the website and be responsive to you the user. We have a robust plan in place, including ring fenced budget, to ensure we continue to gather feedback from users, monitor site usage, and implement changes to site in response.

We would like to thank everyone within and outside the project team for their excellent work in delivering this key service, as well as the numerous volunteers from licensed establishments and the general public who took part in user research.

Please lets us know by filling in the contact form on the contact us page if you encounter any issues using the site, or have feature requests you think our site could fulfil.

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