HTA publish licence fee levels for the 2023/24 business year

Submitted by Tom Parker on

As an executive agency of the Department of Health and Social Care (DHSC), we are funded from Grant-in-Aid from the DHSC and devolved administrations and licence fees charged to licenced establishments.


Today the Human Tissue Authority (HTA) has published licence fee levels for the 2023/24 business year. The new fees can be found here


A review of licence fees was undertaken in the Autumn of 2023.  The purpose of this review was to reflect changes within the regulatory working practices that have evolved since the Covid-19 pandemic, but also as part of the regular five-year review cycle to ensure accurate and proportionate fee recovery from each of the sectors regulated.

Changes to this year’s fees

Below are details of changes for the 2023/24 financial year as follows:

  • Licence fees are set to recover the cost of regulation and despite every possible efficiency being made this cost has risen.  The resulting increase in total fees recovered is 4.1%. 
  • There has been little or no change to the fee levels for Anatomy, Public Display and Research sectors.
  • Increases in Human Application, OTD and Post Mortem sectors have been capped at 6% or lower.
  • All fee increases remain below annual Consumer Price Index rate of inflation published by the Office for National Statistics in September 2022, when the revised fees were proposed.

If you have any questions regarding HTA licence fees, please email


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