The HTA launch new beta website!

Submitted by Maria on

The Human Tissue Authority (HTA) has today launched the beta (draft) version of our new website and we want your feedback!

The new website is part of our ongoing commitment to enhance the quality and accessibility of the information we provide to professionals working in areas we regulate, and members of the public who our regulation protects.

There are two ways you can give your feedback about the new site:

Rate each page as you browse: Most pages on the new website will include a five-star rating system that will give you the opportunity to review pages as you browse.  

Complete a short feedback survey: Look out for the banner at the top of the website with a link to a survey where you can submit more detailed feedback.

The beta service is a work in progress, and we have not updated the full content of the website, but we plan to do this over the coming year. The old website will still be available at, however, the information will not be updated.

We have new features planned for the coming weeks and months. You can give your views by completing the beta survey that can be found on the website. Alternatively, please get in touch with us:

Please take a look and explore!

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