With the rise in brain diseases and disorders, research into these conditions is vital for understanding and finding new treatments. To support this research, brain tissue from both affected and unaffected individuals (known as ‘control tissues’) is essential. These donations are crucial in developing better treatments and potentially finding cures for diseases such as schizophrenia, Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, and variant Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease.
A list of human tissue banks which accept brain and spinal tissue for research is available below. Brain banking needs to take place as soon as possible after death, and procedures may very by brain bank.
A person may consent to donate their tissue for research, or if there is no record of their wishes, consent can be obtained from a nominated representative or someone in a qualifying relationship at the time of their death.
Recording a wish to donate in a Will is not recommended as the reading may occur too late. Instead, contact the chosen brain bank to make appropriate arrangements in advance.
It is possible to donate both the brain and spinal cord for research and be an organ donor. This requires discussion with the individual brain bank. Ensure that those closest to you are aware of your wishes.
Further information on organ donation can be found on the NHS Blood and Transplant website: www.organdonation.nhs.uk.
Brain banks may not accept all donations due to certain medical conditions or if the death is referred to a Coroner. Brain and spinal cord tissue must usually be collected shortly after death, which can sometimes be a constraint. Additionally, if the body is donated to a medical school for anatomical examination, brain and spinal cord donation is not possible.
Brain and spinal cord donation will not usually affect plans for a funeral, cremation or burial. For more information on the timeframes for donation, contact the brain bank directly.