Do I need a HTA licence?

You may need a Post-Mortem, Anatomy,  Public display or Removal licence if the human material is used for:

  • Anatomical examination
  • Understanding the cause of death
  • For public display
  • Clinical Audit
  • Education or training
  • Performance assessment
  • Public health monitoring
  • Quality assurance
  • Research – you may also need a research licence if it isn’t stored for an ethically approved research study

If you do require a licence, you can access and fill out the applications forms on our application page.

We have developed a number of flowcharts to help you decide if your activity requires a HTA licence.

These flowcharts relate to a range of activities, sectors and laws.

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Please use the Quality and Safety Regulations flowchart (PDF  31KB) to determine whether you need to apply for a licence.

If the answer is yes, you will need to:


Do I need a licence under the Human Tissue (Quality and Safety for Human Application) Regulations 2007?

Please use the Storage under the HT Act flowchart (PDF 333KB) to determine if you need to apply for a licence.

If the answer is yes, you will need to:

  • read the Anatomy sector guidance document; and
  • complete the Anatomy sector licence application form.

These documents can be found on the application guidance page.

Do I need a licence to carry out an anatomical examination or store anatomical specimens?

Please use the Storage under the HT Act flowchart (PDF 333KB) to determine if you need to apply for a licence.

If the answer is yes, you will need to:

  • read the Post Mortem sector guidance document; and
  • complete the Post Mortem sector licence application form.

These documents can be found on the application guidance page.

Do I need a licence to carry out a post mortem or remove relevant material from a deceased person?

Please use the Storage under the HT Act flowchart (PDF 333KB) to determine if you need to apply for a licence.

If the answer is yes, you will need to:

  • read the Public Display sector guidance document; and
  • complete the Public Display sector licence application form.

These documents can be found on the application guidance page.

Do I need a licence to display a body of a deceased person or relevant material from a deceased person?

Are you collecting material from somebody who is deceased?

Please use the Storage under the HT Act flowchart (PDF 333KB) to determine if you need to apply for a licence.

If the answer is yes, you will need to read the sector guidance document and complete the sector licence application form for the sector most applicable to your activity.

These documents can be found on the application guidance page.

Do I need a licence to store material other than for the activities listed above?
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