Audit and Risk Assurance Committee

The HTA Audit Committee is an advisory body to the Human Tissue Authority board (the Authority). The main functions of the Audit Committee are to:

  • Help promote the highest standards of propriety in the use of HTA funds and encourage proper accountability for the use of those funds.

  • Improve the quality of financial reporting by reviewing internal and external financial statements on behalf of the Authority.

  • Promote a climate of financial discipline and control which will help to reduce the opportunity for financial mismanagement.

  • Review the management of risk in the HTA.

  • Promote the development of internal controls systems which will help satisfy the Authority that the HTA will achieve its objectives and targets.

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The committee's three core functions are to ensure the HTA is operating:

  • in accordance with any statutory requirements for the use of public funds;

  • within delegated authorities laid down by the sponsor department and the HTA's own rules on what matters should be referred to the Authority; and

  • in a manner which will make most economic and effective use of resources available.

The Audit Committee is comprised of four non-executive members of the Authority. Members of the executive team, representatives from the National Audit Office (NAO) and the HTA’s Internal Auditor also attend the Audit Committee. The Audit Committee meets three times a year.

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Older Audit and Risk Assurance Committee papers

For Audit and Risk Assurance Committee meeting papers from before 2019, please visit our archive website.

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