2023/24 review: Our purpose and values

We are the statutory regulator for ensuring that the removal, storage and use of human tissue is undertaken safely, ethically and with proper consent across a variety of settings.

This includes when they are used for medical treatment, education, research, public display, and are subjected to post-mortem examination.

We also approve all organ donations from living people in the UK.

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We use four values to deliver our work with integrity:


We work together to achieve a common goal while seeking and valuing diverse perspectives. We share ideas and best practice to strive for excellence.


We work transparently, with accountability for our actions and decisions. We take responsibility and remain honest.


We respect diversity, actively listen and value people's perspectives, professionalism and skills.


We deliver excellence through expertise, leadership and collaboration. We are committed to personal and professional development and encourage a culture of learning and growth.

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