Our responses to consultations

The HTA routinely responds to consultations about issues which fall inside our regulatory remit. Read our responses below

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The Human Tissue Authority's Reponse to the Department of Health for the Northern Irish Government's Consultation on 'Organ and Tissue Donation and Transplantation - a consultation on increasing numbers of successful donations

The HTA submitted a response to the Department of Health for the Northern Irish Government's consultation on ways to potentially increase the number of deceased organ donation and tissue donors.

The Human Tissue Authority's Response to the DHSC's Consultation on 'Organ and Tissue Donation and Transplantation - a consultation on increasing numbers of successful donations'

The HTA submitted a response to the Department of Health and Social Care's Consultation on ways to potentially increase the number of deceased organ donation and tissue donors through the introduction of an ‘opt-out’ consent system in England. The HTA explains that any change to the basis of consent to organ donation in England would necessitate amendment of the HTA’s Codes of Practice, which are based on the current legal foundation of valid consent.

The Human Tissue Authority's Response to the Scottish Government's Consultation on 'Organ and Tissue Donation and Transplantation - a consultation on increasing numbers of successful donations'

The HTA submitted a response to the Scottish Government's consultation on two ways to potentially increase the number of deceased organ donation and tissue donors - by seeking to increase numbers of referrals and by seeking to increase the number of times when donation is authorised to proceed.

The Human Tissue Authority’s response to the Care Quality Commission’s consultation on changes to the way they regulate health and adult social care services

The HTA submitted a response to the Care Quality Commission's (CQC) consultation on its next phase of regulation.  With shared areas of interest, and an existing Memorandum of Understanding, the HTA looks to strengthen existing relationships for the benefit of both regulators and establishments.

House of Commons Science and Technology Committee inquiry into regenerative medicine

The HTA submitted written evidence to the House of Lords Science and Technology Committee inquiry into regenerative medicine on In May 2016. For more information about the inquiry see the Parliamentary Committee’s website.

The Northern Ireland Assembly consultation on the Human Transplantation Bill

In December 2015, the HTA submitted a response to the Northern Ireland Assembly's Committee for Health, Social Services & Public Safety call for evidence on their Human Transplantation Bill. More information about the Bill and the call for evidence can be found on the Assembly website.

The NICE consultation on living-donor liver transplantation

The HTA submitted a response to the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) consultation into living-donor liver transplantation. More information about the consultation can be found on the NICE website.

The Health and Social Care Information Centre consultation on the Records Management Code of Practice

The HTA submitted a response to the Health and Social Care Information Centre consultation on the Records Management Code of Practice. More information about the consultation can be found on the HSCIC website

Better Regulation Delivery Office consultation on data sharing for non-economic regulators

The HTA submitted a response to the Department for Business Innovation and Skills, Better Regulation Delivery Office, consultation into data sharing for non-economic regulators. This consultation seeks views on non-economic regulators sharing data collected from businesses, to build the evidence to design effective solutions that work for both parties.

Parliamentary joint committee on the draft Modern Slavery Bill

The HTA has submitted written evidence to the Joint Committee on the draft Modern Slavery Bill. More information about the Committee's work can be found on the Committee’s page and more information about the Bill can be found on its parliamentary page.

UKDEC consultation on donation after brainstem death

The HTA has responded to the UK Donation Ethics Committee consultation on an ethical framework for donation after brainstem death. More information about the consultation can be found on the consultation webpage.

Science and Technology Committee's inquiry into blood, tissue and organ screening

The HTA provided written evidence to the Commons Science and Technology Select Committee’s inquiry into blood, tissue and organ screening. More information about the inquiry can be found on the Committee’s webpage.

Welsh Government’s consultation on a soft opt-out system for organ donation

The HTA responded to the consultation on the Welsh Government’s consultation on a soft opt-out system for organ donation on Monday 10 September.

Welsh Government’s White Paper: Proposals for Legislation on Organ and Tissue Donation

The HTA responded to Welsh Government’s White Paper: Proposals for Legislation on Organ and Tissue Donation on Tuesday 31 January. The findings of the public consultation are likely to be published within a month.

Proposed National Assembly for Wales Legislative Competence Order 2011 to introduce an opt-out system for deceased organ donation

The HTA responded to the National Assembly of Wales consultation on 21 January. You can download the evidence that we submitted to the Welsh Affairs Committee on 28 February on the left of this page. You can read more about the proposed LCO on the National Assembly for Wales website. You can read more about our role on the expert panel here.

Nuffield consultation on human bodies in medicine and research

This consultation ended on 13 July 2010. You can read more about it on the Nuffield website

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